Listening – relaxing sounds [apps]

May 18, 2015

Each app on your iphone takes space, therefore it’s important to choose your apps wisely. After trying out many, many sleep/nature/sound apps, I kept the one I just couldn’t delete.

The peaceful sounds of nature, along with animated scenes of nature.
my favorite app’s homepage: Calm

You can find it here at itunes: Calm

It also offers a short course of basic meditation (like breathing, etc.) and you can use the sounds you choose. They offer an extra 22 scenes with, and without sounds.

I like Calm for it’s choices of sounds and animated, scenic backgrounds. It comes with a few built-in scenes/sounds, but you can choose more without paying. If you don’t like the scene/sound, you can remove it and save space on your phone.



Even though many of the APPS were great, only two apps (so far) bring up a close second for me.

The first app, TaoMix – you can mix several sounds together to make your own listening sounds to relax to and also play with the orchestrating of each sound. The idea behind the app is to “create your own mood”, but only offers very limited choices, however.

You can find it here in itunes: TaoMix



This next app has great 3D relaxing sounds. Very clear and cool sounds, however, even the free version takes a lot of space.  It does have it’s own homepage, but remember it is only offering sounds, not the beautiful scenic backgrounds. Naturespace, holographic audio.

You can find it here in itunes: Naturespace


* * * UPDATES * * *
I will continue to add to this post, as I find new APPS.


This app does exactly what it says, and it’s less than 30 MB on my phone. ZenView has beautiful, scenic backgrounds with interactive rain. Listening to the rain in the background, a rippling effect plays across the screen. You can touch the screen for some interactive meditation and play with the ripples.
It also can have access to your Camera so you can see a rippling effect in the camera view.

All-in-all, I found this app hypnotizing to watch, with or without the rain.

You can get ZenView, here.